I host all my code in GitHub now that it is free for private as well as public repositories. Before that I used GitLab, which I may return if I... read more →
Received my ScrumMaster certification today. Very excited to put the scrum framework into practice.
The DS3231 by Maxim is a "low-cost, extremely accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC) with an integrated temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal." You can pick these up, battery and... read more →
I have a custom domain I use for short URLs, tlab.co, which works out to be a lot cheaper than bit.ly for custom domain redirections. While I am in the... read more →
I picked up a couple of very low cost 16x2 LCD display modules for a project I am working on. They are based on the Texas Instruments PCF8574 Remote 8-Bit... read more →
I've got an I2C 16x2 display module for an Arduino project (the upcoming 'Arduino Giardino' Aerogarden clone). Instead of trying to manually find the I2C address, I discovered that a... read more →
Have you ever had a water leak that damaged your property? I know I did when a kitchen faucet started leaking. I decided to put together an Arduino based solution... read more →
Welcome to the new-look Toby's Lab web site! I hope you fund the content here interesting, and please feel free to engage in discussion on any of the posted topics... read more →